I+A’s insights


Rachel Falzon & Mireille Tabone discussing Qalb ix-Xewk with the Minister for Public Works and Planning Dr Stefan Zrinzo

Announcing: Qalb ix-Xewk

On March 16th, 2023, Dr Stefan Zrinzo, the Minister for Public Works and Planning, announced the selection of three projects for the Art in Public Spaces program, including Qalb ix-Xewk, our proposed artwork.

The Bar at the Malta International Airport's Food Court

The Food Court at the Malta International Airport

The Malta International Airport Food Court stands as a remarkable illustration of how limitations can be transformed into design opportunities. The result is a practical and welcoming environment that provides a sense of ongoing discovery and elevates the overall travel experience for guests.

The Joseph 'ix-Xlukkajr' memorial

‘ix-Xlukkajr’: a solemn reminder

ix-Xlukkajr” stands as a solemn reminder of Marsaxlokk’s tragic loss of Joseph in an incident at work. Marsaxlokk, a quaint fishing village nestled in the South-East of Malta, was the hometown of Joseph, where he was fondly remembered as ‘ix-Xlukkajr’.

the DAMn principle

Our design principles are shaped by our vision of the world for the future. We imagine our world through digital and making; conceiving architecture as beyond a mere building, but

Vibrance: The Silent Giant

This year marks the third anniversary from when I+A designed, built and commissioned Vibrance at City Gate, Valletta, Malta. Vibrance is a sculptural public art retro-fitted on the colonnades leading to the

Working through COVID-19

Looking back on 2020 so far we find that it has mostly been a time of challenges, but we have also achieved so much. During the lockdown in spring, we

Sema Chosen for Marsa Junction Project

I+A’s proposal, ‘Sema’ is one of the four chosen artworks selected by Infrastructure Malta and Spazju Kreattiv to be included as part of the landscaping of the Marsa Junction Project.